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The development of Chinese auto mould market?
Time:【2016-7-28】 Browse【4158】 【Print】【Back
The development of Chinese auto mould market? In recent years, along with the multinational enterprises of China's auto mould purchasing quantity increases gradually, the next three to five years to Europe and the United States and Japanese auto market of our country's automobile mould will also increase the purchase quantity, and gradually from low-end to high-end development, and it's objective is to stimulate the development of high-grade car mold market in China.
To strengthen auto mould industry and support the development of own-brand cars has been auto mould industry in our country's goal, so we must to increase the automotive tooling and fixture technology to higher level, for now, the domestic high-grade car mold products which meet the rate less than fifty-eight percent, mould and a considerable part of all need to rely on exports, with the continuous development of our country independent brand cars, demand for high-end auto mould market in China in the future will be more urgent.
Before this, many domestic automobile mold factory to undertake the a-class car auto mould developing and A small portion of the b-class car mold development, accompanied by A growing number of b-class, c-class car models available, high-grade market of automobile stamping mould demand will greatly increase, auto mould industry will become the backbone of supporting auto development.
Auto mould industry must shoulder the autonomous development of our country required in the process of welding fixture and mould, the progress and development of China mold and die industry biggest beneficiary is not our industry itself, but made contribution to China's own brand.

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